Budenberg Gauge Co. Ltd are a leading manufacturer of primary pressure calibration systems including Hydraulic Deadweight Testers, Pneumatic Deadweight Testers and Comparators . The calibration systems manufactured by Budenberg are used in laboratories and workshops throughout the world.
Support for calibration equipment is covered with Budenbergs extensive range of repair, overhaul and re-certification services to National and UKAS standards.
Budenbergs unique dual range piston cylinder units have been designed to operate as two units in one.
Rather than use one unit and weights to test for low pressure and a separate unit and weights to test for high pressure. You can now use just one piston unit for the calibration of both high and low pressure, saving you both time and money.
Ranges of Pressure for Calibration
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Budenberg Gauge Co Ltd is a premier manufacturer of instrumentation for a wide range of applications and markets. Quality and reliability have become the trademark of all Budenberg products and all our instruments are supplied with a standard warranty and carry a unique serial number for traceability purposes.